Monday, April 15, 2013

Sou gaya yeh jahan, sou gaya aasma

So it is you who thought who had it bad,
Are you
Torn Apart?

Think again. Feel again. Wish again.

Life is tough. It has decisions to be made which have a long lasting affect.

So while you spread your legs and showed your skin, the feeling, the desire, the wish, the want, the orgasms,all were fake? Was that the last resort ?

Days goes by, months go by, the struggle doesn't gets easy. The struggle stays. Unlike a wound that heal, memories don't heal.

Step back. stay hidden. stay forgotten.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

And I'm Back

The much upsetting life of LUMS was put to a temporary hold when I finally got myself in an exchange program at Malaysia. Life seemed good and nice. So well I wonder how the next few months hold out for me..

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

A Good Feeling

I have waited to feel like this for the longest time but I know where it all goes but I am so pulled towards it, so drenched, so addicted. I have punished myself for far too long, withheld myself from the world, maybe its time to ease up a bit, feel a little good and for once flow with the wind.

Am I going to return hurt, even more?

Will have to wait it out and see.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I am the new master of Blog Templates!! Muhhahahhaha

You know what..

You confuse more. I am gone! and Yes I'm HIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Oh Yeah

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee the new look to my blog! yayy